
Neal Employees Graduate 16 Week EPS Course

Congratulations to the attendees that completed our 16 week Electric Project Supervision Course! This course was originally created by the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). NECA has graciously shared their training information that has been modified and tailored for Neal Electric, specifically Journeyman Wireman that exhibit a desire and skills to manage a project within our corporation. Neal-EPS is an in-depth training course focused on Supervisor’s Role, Profit Realities, Team Building, Verbal Communication, Written Communication and Documentation, Performance Management, Safety, Labor Relation, Estimating, Tracking Costs, Understanding Contracts, Project Startup, Project Preplanning, Scheduling and Resource Leveling, Managing Tools & Material, Productivity Tracking, Project Closeout and Writing RFI’s.




Shown in the picture:

Front Row left to right: Derek Casey, Luis Gomez, Ken Cannizzaro, Junior Bueno, Adam Wisegarver, Zach Squire

Back Row right to left: Doug Smith, Anthony Escalera, James Bowman

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